Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Week Gone By

Is it sunday again already?  The time flies when you're having fun and following around an 8 month old!  Can you believe it? He is already so big, I can't imagine him growing more but day by day I see it.  Lex is busy pulling up on everything, and taking risks, walking from the couch to the coffee table with one hand.  Judson is doing well at work, even though it's slow and unsteady ground in the banking world, I think he's ready for sports season to start.  I've been busy cleaning the house from top to bottom.  We got a few new pieces of furniture and I've had to get rid of some things and that turned into a 3 week project.  I'm also working on a huge garage sale benefit at my dance studio, so between that cleaning, watching Lex, and having company, I stay on my toes!  Today we don't have anything going on, and Judson let me sleep in, so I feel like a new person.  Here comes the next week!

Our 8 month photo shoot, he was having a hard time sitting still. 
My new dinning room set, off white china and dinning room table and chairs.  I love love love them!

Oops! Someone found the tub of water in the back yard!  Fun!  Lex knows how to relax through the summer, get wet!
Discovering his train from Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa Spriggs.