Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

What a wonderful weekend!  Friday we spent celebrating our dear friend Lauren's birthday, we had about 10 people over for drinks and dinner, then a girls slumber party!!  Great fun to enjoy the beautiful weather and good friends.  Saturday we went to Bob & Laura's house to visit Grandma Susie and celebrate her birthday and Mother's day.  I forgot my camera, but Lex & Will got to play for a little bit and Will was so kind to share his toys.  Lex borrowed Will's exersaucer (it's a stationary walker) and he looooved it!  Looks like i might have to go garage sailing for one of those. On Sunday Lex got me flowers and a lunch out after church.  We went to PF Changs on the Plaza and ate outside, just before the rain, I was so glad to be with my boys!  I got the afternoon to go to the nursery and buy some flowers, today we might get outside and plant a few.  Lex is such a good helper with the yard work.  Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Trip to Pratt, KS

Hello!  We are home from our trip now, and I can't believe all we did in such a short time.  Lex was a trooper in the car, he can entertain himself now a little more with his toys.  We left KC Thursday night and made our way to Lawrence, Ks to spend the night at Judson's mom's townhouse.   The next morning we drove to Wichita so Judson could do some bank business.  After almost 3 hours of driving around Wichita taking photos of bank properties we were pooped!  We stopped at Bella Luna Cafe to have dinner, Lex ate dinner too!  This was our first time eating dinner at a restaurant with Lex, he was a pro!  Ate all his cereal!  

We got to Pratt late Friday night, but Judson's mom Susie was waiting with cake in hand!  What a delight to be welcomed with chocolate cake!  I had to take a picture of it in her colorful Fiesta ware.  Susie told me the story of the "Wacky Cake" her Grandma Norden would make in the depression, it doesn't use any eggs, I think we call that vegan now!  :)  Deee-lish!
On Saturday Judson and Lex gave Grandma Susie some beautiful flowers for her birthday/ mother's day.  Lex is so thoughtful! 
Saturday afternoon, we visited Judson's Granny & Pappy Stanion.  Here are the 3 Judson Stanions, for the first time ever.  Two Thomas Judsons and one Judson Lexington Lee! They were so happy  to meet Lex! 

Away we go!  Sunday morning we left Pratt, making our way back through Wichita to catch up with some old friends.  
We met up with Josh & Devan Dellenbach and their little girl Maylee.  She and Lex had a great time playing.  She couldn't quite understand why he couldn't do more, they both really wanted to grab each other's face!  So cute!  
Judson and Lex and Josh and Maylee!  Judson & Josh have been friends since they were in pre-school.  Now their babies can be friends!  What fun!  It was time to go home, but we sure enjoyed seeing family & good friends!