Monday, June 29, 2009

one more video

i couldn't get this on posted on the last post so here it is, enjoy! 


Hello again, we've been busy this summer, so far, lots of company and fun trips.  My mom and Jesse and Heather and Robert came to visit us last month and then Ginny came too!  
Lex & Matthew had such a time playing.  Ginny came up to visit two weekends ago, for her birthday, and to see Heather and show off Matthew.  Lex was fascinated with him, and kept trying to kiss him.  I know they'll be fast friends.  
My big boy helper. 
Auntie Heather 
Teaching him all I know! 

Summer is here and it has been warm, but we welcome it with open arms.  Lex is busy trying to crawl & walk.  This week he almost has the crawling down, and i spied him trying to pull himself up on the coffee table.  He also is cutting his first tooth, bottom right, so this week has been topsy turvy.  He hasn't been too fussy, just different sleeping and eating patterns.  Judson and I are so glad to be back home and together.  The next few weeks we don't have anything planned and it's so great!  I have been keeping up with the yard, and really enjoying it.  i don't think I'm very good at it, but i've found peace in pulling weeds in the flower beds i've dug.  Judson's been pretty slow at work, so he's found time to help our neighbors and mow the lawn.  We are both loving summer and enjoying watching Lex grow. More next week with 4th of July pics! 


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Home Again

Lexington Ave and 53rd st it's his street! 
At the ballet

Today finds us home sweet home.  Judson and I spent last week having quite the time in NYC!  It was so hard to leave our little man at home, but his Grandmary took excellent care of him while we were away.  We got to do a ton of shopping, go to the American Ballet Theatre, see good friends, have amazing meals, and just reconnect.  It was a much needed break and Judson and I felt we were able to get to know each other again.  By tuesday we were ready to be home with our little boy.  I just about pushed people off the plane so I could run and scoop him up in my arms!  
Lex just thrived while we were away.  He can eat one whole mashed banana in one sitting & and he can sit up all by himself!  He is discovering something new every day & he can't wait to grow up.